Monday, September 2, 2013

Using factory_bot with Sequel Models

factory_bot builds objects. Sequel is a database toolkit with support for models and model validation. It's very easy to use factory_bot to test Sequel models.

Out of the box, factory_bot can build non-persisted instances of Sequel models by calling It just can't create them and save them in a single method call with FactoryBot.create(:symbol). In fact, if you try calling factory_bot's create method, you will get an error message that looks like this:

NoMethodError: undefined method `save!' for #<Model:...>

There are two ways around this:
  1. Call to build a non-persisted Model instance and then call that instance's create() method
  2. Modify your FactoryBot definitions to specify a different method to call on create() 
Method #2 is better because your testing code becomes clearer. Just put this at the top of your FactoryBot definitions for Sequel models:

to_create { |i| }

2018-08-12 Edit: 'factory_girl' was renamed to 'factory_bot' in 2017 and I found out about it today :-) Also updated the link to Sequel.


Anonymous said...

Awesome, thanks!

Caleb Fenton said...

This was _exactly_ what I was looking for. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Thanks a billion

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