Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Few Quick Productivity Tips

I feel that I am productive when I sit down to write code. I also feel that reading a long post on productivity might not be productive. Here are some quick suggestions.

1. Know Your Tools

Use something regularly? Reading about it during downtime can help you do what you need to do quicker.

2. Automate

Why do it when the computer can do it perfectly every time? Look into using command line scripts, scripting languages, and macros to automate common tasks.

Windows Shell Scripting
Scripting With Windows Powershell
(comes with Windows Vista and Windows 7)

*nix/MacOSX Shell Scripting
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide (bash is a very common default shell)
AppleScript (Mac-only)

Macros in Vim (Wikia link)
Macros in Emacs
AutoHotkey, a program for macros in Windows

Scripting Languages
The Perl Programming Language
Ruby Programming Language
Python Programming Language
The Python Tutorial (2.x)
The Python Tutorial (3.x)

3. Block All Unnecessary Distractions

Good earplugs or good headphones for noise, system tray notifiers and good filters for e-mails

4. Take Regular Breaks

Regular breaks help you stay focused on the task. The Pomodoro Technique may help, but I personally don't use it.

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